Saturday, December 31, 2011

The 2011 Book List

"A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. That is why I read books." - Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones)

Here's a list of the books I've read in 2011 along with a short commentary on a few of them. NT Wright and Kelley Varner had a huge influence on me this year. I can't recommend their books enough. It's my hope that you'll find something on this list to read. A number of these books can be found free online.

1. Freedom from 12 Deadly Sins - Kelley Varner // Excellent book on the "isms" that have invaded the Christian world.
2. Journey to Significance - Tony Miller
3. For Love's Sake - Jessica Davis
4. NT Principle of Kingdom Stewardship - Stephen Everett
5. Let Us Draw Near - Judson Cornwall // This book details the lives and thoughts of Moses and his contemporaries as they followed God's instructions to build the Tabernacle. Loved it.
6. Justification - NT Wright
7. Washed By the Blood - Brian Head Welch // Found this on my Father's bookshelf. Glad to see it there.
8. Secrets of the Ascended Life - Kelley Varner // Wow!
9. Principles of Present Truth: Ex - Deut - Kelley Varner // KV's Principles of Present Truth series are simply amazing. Every serious Bible student should own this set.
10. Jesus Among Other Gods - Ravi Zacharias
11. Manifesting God's Love Through Miracles, Signs, and Wonders - Jerame Nelson
12. Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad // A classic.
13. Anointing for Exploits - David Oyedepo
14. The Believer's Authority - Kenneth Hagin
15. The Law of Recognition - Mike Murdock
16. Principles of Present Truth: 1,2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles - Kelley Varner
17. With Christ in the School of Prayer - Andrew Murray // Amazing book!
18. Churched - Matthew Paul Turner
19. Moral Revolution - Kris Vallotton
20. Monganga Paul - Lois Carlson // The Congo Ministry and Martyrdom of Covenant missionary Dr. Paul Carlson.
21. The Blood Speaks - Larry Huggins
22. Let the Nations Be Glad - John Piper // Another classic. Should be read by all.
23. Principles of Present Truth: 1,2 Kings, 2 Chronicles - Kelley Varner
24. Alfred Buxton of Abyssinia and Congo - Norman Grubb // Tracked down this rare book online. A gem. NG is the author of Rees Howells Intercessor. Amazing author.
25. Furious Pursuit - Tim King, Frank Martin
26. Christ in Congo Forests - Norman Grubb // Another amazing book on the history of missions in the Congo.
27. Rest in the Day of Trouble - Kelley Varner
28. Principles of Present Truth: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther - Kelley Varner
29. Love Wins - Rob Bell // :)
30. Promise of the Third Day - Bruce Allen
31. Century of the Holy Spirit - Vinson Synan // Great book on the history of the Pentecostal Church in the 20th century.
32. Principles of Present Truth: Job - Kelley Varner
33. The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Lynn Hiles // One of my favorite books. This is a look at the book of Revelation from the lens of the finished work. Brother Hiles is another huge influence in my life.
34. Apostles: The Fathering Servant - Bill Scheidler // Thankful for this book.
35. King James Version // Call me old school but it's still my favorite translation. :)
36. Traveling Mercies - Anne Lamott // Marin native. Read a lot of books in front of her house as she's on one of the routes I deliver.
37. Blue Like Jazz - Don Miller
38. The Local Church Today - Bill Scheidler // Another great book.
39. The Making of a Leader - Frank Damazio // Excellent. Should be read by all desiring to go into the ministry.
40. The Church That is Left Behind - Kobus Swart // You can get this and other titles for free at I recommend downloading everything from this site.
41. Prophet on Wheels: The Life Story of Bill Britton // Huge influence on Kelley Varner and others.
42. The Incomplete Church - Sid Roth
43. Let the Good Times Roll - Mark Hankins
44. The Sound That Changed Everything - Stephen Everett
45. Global Reformation - Robert Munien // Pastor Munien from Durban, SA has preached at Shiloh Christian Fellowship in Oakland many times over the years. Great book.
46. Jesus Wants to Save Christians - Rob Bell // Really liked this one.
47. The Source - James Michener // Took a couple of weeks to read. My dad gave me his copy and a couple of days later a book I was reading mentioned it. Glad I read it.
48. These Women Are Two Covenants - Jeff Moales
49. From Tent to Temple - George Warnock // One of my favorite authors. He gives away all his books free of charge. Huge influence.
50. Praying the Bible: The Pathway to Spirituality - Wesley and Stacey Campbell
51. Understanding the Seasons of God - Robert Munien
52. God Without Religion - Andrew Farley // Excellent. His commentary on communion and predestination were worth the price of the book. I also recommend his book The Naked Gospel.
53. The Great Escape - David Levister
54. Dating the Book of Revelation - Frans Du Plessis // Free at The Kingdom Platform website. Very thankful for this brother. His teachings on Apostolic Eschatology are priceless.
55. Apostles, Apostolic People, and Churches - Robert Munien
56. Relationship: The Key to Fulfillment In the Song of Solomon - Violet Kiteley // Another big influence in my life. Very blessed by the Kiteley family.
57. Shake Hands With the Devil - Romeo Dallaire // Powerful book about the Rwandan genocide and the failure of humanity to stop it.
58. The Three Prejudices - Kelley Varner
59. Right or Reconciled? - Joseph Garlington
60. Prevail - Kelley Varner
61. You've Already Got It - Andrew Wommack
62. Liberty Defined - Ron Paul
63. Held in the Heavens Until - Earl Paulk // I actually really like his books. Unfortunately he lived a double life. Sad story.
64. English Standard Version // Loved this translation.
65. Driving Change - Brewster/Dalzell // The authorized biography of UPS. Proud to be a part of this organization for over 7 years now. My grandfather was also a UPSer in San Francisco.
66. Legacy Now - Phil Munsey // Amazing preacher. Great book.
67. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy - Eric Metaxas // Got a number of Bonhoeffer books after reading this. Can't wait to read them.
68. Surprised by Hope - NT Wright // The best book I read this year. Please do yourself a favor and read this.
69. Chosen For Greatness - Kelley Varner // AWESOME.
70. The Tenth Parallel - Eliza Griswold
71. Decision Points - George Bush
72. It's Really All About God - Samir Selmanovic
73. Allah: A Christian Response - Miroslav Volf
74. Simply Christian - NT Wright
75. Sex God - Rob Bell // Much better than Moral Revolution. Not what you're thinking.
76. God Is Not a Christian, Nor A Jew, Muslim, Hindu... - Carlton Pearson // Another sad story here.
77. Jesus Manifesto - Frank Viola, Leonard Sweet // Loved it.
78. The Rebbe: The Life and Afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson - Samuel Heilman, Menachem Friedman // Read this after learning that many Lubavitcher believe him to be the Messiah.
79. A Continent for the Taking - Howard French // Great book about Africa.
80. A New Kind of Christianity - Brian McLaren // Thank you for making me think.
81. Whose Right It Is - Kelley Varner // Another very important book. Please get a copy of this.
82. In Southern Light - Alex Shoumatoff
83. They Fight Like Soldiers They Die Like Children - Romeo Dallaire // Important book about child soldiers and what is being done to help them.
84. Consuming the Congo - Peter Eichstaedt // Helps you better understand the Congo's conflict mineral situation.
85. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years - Donald Miller
86. The Laws of Prosperity - Bernard E Jordan // Surprised at how many regard him as a true Christian. He's more along the lines of New Thought like Carlton Pearson. I actually really liked his book The Laws of Thinking.
87. Evil and the Justice of God - NT Wright // Great book.
88. The River Congo - Peter Forbath // Learned more about the history of the Congo in this book than any other. Really good.
89. Dead Aid - Dambisa Moyo // Why aid isn't working in Africa.
90. Dancing In the Glory of Monsters - Jason Stearns // Really important book in understanding the Congo conflict.
91. The Israel of God - Frans Du Plessis // Another free book at The Kingdom Platform.
92. Unconditional - Brian Zahnd // A new favorite author of mine. Follow him on Twitter. Started reading his book Beauty Will Save the World a few days ago. Have a feeling it's going to be on my favorite list.
93. Dark Star Safari - Paul Theroux
94. Supernatural Destiny - Don Nori
95. Congo, My Country - Patrice Lumumba
96. The Enlightened Church: Satan Who? - Karl Barden // Really liked this one. Hard to find but should be read by all Bible teachers.
97. Absolute Monarchs: A History of the Papacy - John Julius Norwich // Dry at times but learned a lot.
98. The Lord and His Prayer - N.T. Wright
99. Offspring - Earl Paulk
100. The Fear - Peter Godwin // Amazing book on Robert Mugabe and the martyrdom of Zimbabwe.

In 2012 I'm focusing on quality as opposed to quantity. If you have any recommendations feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

Special thanks to Destiny Image for supplying me with a number of free books this year.

Friday, December 9, 2011

My 2010 Reading List

If you know me personally you'll know that I love to read. Not a day goes by where I'm not in the books and you can't leave my house without me handing you something to read. I decided in the middle of 2009 to start keeping track of the books I've read. I decided I'd share my reading list for this year after seeing some people I follow on Twitter do the same. In anticipation of that these are the books I read in 2010. There are a number of other books I started but didn't finish. I'll pick those up sometime...

1. Miracle Workers, Reformers, and New Mystics - John Crowder
2. Facing the Congo - Jeffrey Tayler // One day I'd like to go down the Congo. If I could only get my wife's permission. :)
3. Jesus Culture - Banning Liebscher
4. Release the Power of Jesus - Bill Johnson
5. Culture of Honor - Danny Silk
6. Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship - Jack Frost
7. Angelic Encounters - Jim Goll
8. At the Masters Feet - Sundar Singh
9. Ecstasy of Loving God - John Crowder // Excellent book.
10. Search For God and Guiness - Stephen Mansfeld // Great book about the Guiness family. Some of them were radical Christians and responsible for much of the missions movement in Africa.
11. Church of the Firstborn and the Birthright - Kevin Conner
12. The Jesus People: Old Time Religion in the Age of Aquarius
13. The Epistle of Jude - Kevin Conner
14. Bait of Satan - John Bevere
15. Kings of the Kingdom - Kevin Conner // Ordered this one from Australia. Excellent study on the Kings of Israel and Judah.
16. Power of Passionate Intention: The Elijah Principle - Mark Chironna // I love anything Chironna puts out.
17. Kimbangu: An African Prophet and His Church - Martin // Great book about Simon Kimbangu. Kimbanguism is a large branch of Christianity in the Congo. 
18. The Dancing Hand of God - James Maloney
19. Victorious Eschatology - Harold Eberle, Martin Trench // One of the best books I've read. I highly recommend everyone interested in eschatology read this. 
20. Living a Life of Fire - Reinhard Bonnke - Definitely one of my heroes. Flew to Atlanta a couple months after so he could lay hands on me. 
21. Complete Jewish Bible
22. Healing the Sick - TL Osborn // A classic. Get this book.
23. The Holy Spirit is Not For Sale - J Lee Grady
24. Son of Hamas
25. Unmerited Favor - Joseph Prince
26. John G Lake: His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith // Gave away my first copy of this book in Kinshasa in 2001. Excellent book. This guy was ahead of his time.
27. The Way of the Wild at Heart - John Eldredge
28. Principles of Present Truth: Genesis - Kelley Varner // So grateful for Brother Varner. I've ordered almost all of his Principles of Present Truth books. His writings are meat.
29. Evangelism by Fire - Reinhard Bonnke // Got this copy of Pastor Mohan's church in Madras, India in 1998. Great book.
30. The Missionary Call - M David Sills
31. The Purpose and Power of Love and Marriage - Myles Munroe
32. Tortured For His Faith - Richard Wumbrand
33. The Beauty of Spiritual Language - Jack Hayford
34. You May All Prophesy - Steve Thompson
35. Power Healing - John Wimber
36. The Shack
37. Waking the Dead - John Eldredge
38. Face to Face with God - Bill Johnson
39. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants - Steven Brooks
40. Moving in the Apostolic - John Eckhardt
41. Expect a Miracle: My Life and Ministry - Oral Roberts
42. You Have Not Many Fathers - Mark Hanby // Excellent book. Been loaning this book since Bible College many years ago. A must read.
43. The Mission of God - Christopher Wright
44. The Remnant - Larry Stockstill
45. Radical the Book - David Platt
46. Rees Howells Intercessor - Norman Grubb
47. The Supernatural Life - Cindy Jacobs
48. The Barbarian Way - Erwin McManus
49. Feed My Sheep - George Warnock // One of my favorite authors. Have all of his books.
50. African Christian Ethics - Samuel Waje Kunhiyop
51. God's Covenant for your Family - Marilyn Hickey
52. Not On Our Watch - John Prendergast, Don Cheadle // Met JP around the time of reading this. This guy is the real deal. He tirelessly works for the rights of Africans.
53. Be a Hero - Campbell & Court // I loved this book. So thankful it came into my hands. 
54. Good News About Injustice - Gary Haugen
55. A Beautiful Kind of Broken - Luke Holter
56. Coins Left Over - Eugene Strite
57. The King James Controversy - J White
58. Stuff Christians Like - Jon Acuff
59. Reformation of Foreign Missions - Bob Finley // Definitely makes you think. Bob gives this book out free. Get it.
60. Patience and Faith - Keith Butler
61. The Fall Feasts of Israel - Mitch Glaser
62. Africa - Richard Dowden
63. NIV Bible
64. Healing - Father Francis Macnutt // Awesome book.
65. Humility: The Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders - Mark R. Anderson
66. You're Not Broke You Have a Seed - Leroy Thompson
67. I Believe in Visions - Kenneth Hagin
68. The Order of a Son - Mark Hanby
69. The Ministry of the Saints - Mark Hanby
70. Keys to Heavens Economy - Shawn Bolz
71. Journey into the Miraculous - Todd Bentley
72. The Enough Moment - John Prendergast
73. Dreaming With God - Bill Johnson
74. Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe
75. Prince Caspian
76. Fire and Fragrance - Sean Feucht, Andy Byrd
77. Voyage of the Dawn Treader
78. The Silver Chair
79. The Horse and His Boy
80. The Magician's Nephew
81. The Last Battle
82. Exposition on the Book of Revelation - Kevin Conner // This book was a beast but was worth the read. I don't agree with everything Conner presents in this book but I still got so much out of it. This is another author  whose books I'm always reading.
83. Heavy Rain - Kris Vallotton
84. Moses, the Master, and the Manchild - Kelley Varner // Get every book he's written.
85. Heaven Awaits the Bride - Anna Rountree
86. Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit - John Paul Jackson
87. Crazy Love - Francis Chan
88. Sun Stand Still - Steven Furtick
89. The Laws of Thinking - Bishop E. Bernard Jordan // I actually really liked this book. More of a New Age read though.
90. Taking Over - Eddie Long
91. The Power of Your Life Message - David Crone
92. Corporate Anointing - Kelley Varner // One of the best books I've read.
93. Temple at the Center of Time - David Flynn
94. Is There A Father in the House - Paul Bersche
95. Secret Sources of Power - Tommy Tenney
96. The Prophetic Promise of the 7th Day - Bruce D. Allen // Good book. But having been taught this for so long was hoping for more.

In a couple of weeks I'll post the list of books I read in 2011. That list is much more diverse. If you have a question on any of these books don't hesitate to ask.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Great Shaking

We are living in a season where a great shaking is taking place in the heavens and the earth. The shaking we are seeing isn't because God is mad or because of some scary end time scenario coming on the scene. The shaking we are seeing is because we are about to see the greatest unveiling of Jesus, the desire of all nations, in the earth! The Church is about to be displayed among the nations. He's going to fill this House with His Glory!

For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts. Haggai 2:6-9

The book of Haggai took place shortly after the Jews came out of captivity in Babylon. In this setting God commanded them to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. Instead they went about rebuilding their lives. They dwelt in their houses, sowed in their land, ate, drank, and lived life. They said it wasn’t time to build the house of the Lord. The Lord comes to them and tells them to consider their ways. He told them because they neglect his house they sow and do not reap, they drink but don’t have enough, and what they earn they put into a bag with holes. Because of their neglect for the house of the Lord they were living in barrenness and poverty. This sounds like much of the Church today. Many of us are content to come out of the captivity of the world and be saved yet don’t press on to know the Lord. We build nice Churches, have excellent programs, and entertain people all without building His House! Beloved IT IS TIME to build the House of the Lord.

God has done away with physical temples. It was never His intention to dwell in a physical building. He’s looking for a Body in which He can dwell. God dwelt in a tent in the wilderness, then moved to a temple in the Kingdom of Israel, and finally tabernacled among us in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14). Today you and I are living stones being built into a spiritual house according to 1 Peter 2:5. We are being built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit (Ephesians 2:22).

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

We have all heard this verse referring to mansions waiting for us in Heaven. The word for mansions in the Greek is mone and it means abode or dwelling place. It's only other use in the New Testament is in John 14:23 where Jesus says that He and the Father will make their abode with us. I want to suggest to you that the only mansions in Heaven are you and I. You are the mansion of the Lord. God lives in you beloved!

Let's stop looking for a future mansion and be the Mansion. Your citizenship is in Heaven. You are raised and seated with Christ in Heavenly places. You've been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ. There is an open Heaven over you right now! Heaven shouldn't be only a future reality for the Christian, but a very present one. The Kingdom is within you (Luke 17:21).

I hear the Lord saying in this hour to look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draws nigh (Luke 21:28)!

This isn't the time to hang our head in defeat. Our greatest hour is upon us. The Lord whom you seek is coming suddenly to His temple! A great shaking is taking place... but the result isn't going to be our destruction. This shaking is what Ezekiel prophesied in Ezekiel 37 where bones come together bone to bone.

A great season of equipping is on us. To equip means to set a broken bone. God is setting broken bones in the body of Christ. He's connecting believers from all walks of life out of every nation and he's releasing the winds of Heaven on them. What we have coming is greater than any upper room Pentecostal experience. We are entering a season of Tabernacles where God is inhabiting a people. A Body is coming together! It's going to be the greatest army the earth has ever witnessed.

In this latter house He will give peace! I'm believing for a greater unity in the body of Christ. We won't speak the same things in this day because of our doctrinal positions or teachings but because we are connected to the Vine Himself. It's His body. Don't settle for anything less than peace in His house.

Times of refreshing are coming from the presence of the Lord. Peter declared in Acts 3 that this is a precursor to the return of Christ. Enlarge the border of your tents and make room because the King of Glory is going to fill His House. The Desire of All Nations is coming!

Look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draws nigh.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Restoration is Coming to Your City

This post is from a message I preached ten years ago in Kinshasa. Had I written it today it would have probably came out a lot different. I didn't change any of it for this post. I didn't bother sharing it on Facebook since I shared it there a couple of years back. If it blesses you please share it with someone else. Thanks!

This morning I want to talk to you about restoration because I believe with all of my heart that the Lord is about to restore His Church to a place of power, authority, and purity here in Kinshasa. Today is a new day for the city of Kinshasa and God has called you to make a difference here. You are the ones that God has empowered to reach this city for the glory of God.

We are going to look at a story that took place with the prophet Elijah.

Some time later the son of the woman who owned the house became ill. He grew worse and worse, and finally stopped breathing. She said to Elijah, "What do you have against me, man of God? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?" "Give me your son," Elijah replied. He took him from her arms, carried him to the upper room where he was staying, and laid him on his bed. Then he cried out to the LORD, "O LORD my God, have you brought tragedy also upon this widow I am staying with, by causing her son to die?" Then he stretched himself out on the boy three times and cried to the LORD, "O LORD my God, let this boy's life return to him!" The LORD heard Elijah's cry, and the boy's life returned to him, and he lived. Elijah picked up the child and carried him down from the room into the house. He gave him to his mother and said, "Look, your son is alive!" Then the woman said to Elijah, "Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is the truth. I Kings 17:17-24

There are many parallels between Elijah and the Church today. Elijah was a mighty prophet that God raised up in a time where God's people were living in mixture. If there was ever a time where the Church has been full of mixture it is today. But, I want to tell you in the name of Jesus that's about to change here in this city.

There are two kinds of prophets. You have prophets of words like Jeremiah, Daniel, and Isaiah. Then you have prophets of action like Elijah and Elisha. Elijah was a prophet of restoration. His ministry focused upon bringing restoration to the people of Israel. Malachi 4:5 says that God will send Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord. Now we know that John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah. He was a partial fulfillment of that prophecy. But after John the Baptist's ministry we don't see all things restored, so we know that his ministry was just a partial fulfillment. The Elijah ministry speaks of an end time prophetic ministry that the Lord is raising up in the earth to prepare the way for His coming. The Lord is calling you to be a part of that company that moves in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the coming of our Lord.

Here we see a story where the son of a widow woman fell sick and died. Here in this story the son that fell sick and died can speak to us of the testimony of the Church here in Kinshasa. Prior to this woman's son falling sick, this woman and her house were miraculously preserved because she obeyed the Word of the Lord that came to her through Elijah. This woman came into a place of blessing in which the flour and the oil, which she had, didn't run out. Many times your hardest tests will come right after you have received the blessing of the Lord. There was a time when the Church here fell sick and the blessing and testimony was lost. Because of that the Lord is releasing the prophetic ministry of Elijah to recover what has been lost.

This woman lived in the city of Zarephath, which was in Zidon. Zarephath means refining. Have you ever noticed that when the Lord begins to refine us situations come in our life that disturb us? We always want to get out of our refinement process. We say, "Lord, take this affliction our of my life." And the Lord says, "I thought you said, 'do whatever it takes Lord.'" Isaiah 48:10 says, "Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." When the Lord refines us he takes us through the furnace. Zidon was the area from where the wicked Queen Jezebel was from. This was the place in which God was going to birth restoration and bring a testimony. Jezebel was one that brought mixture to Israel. The same can be said for the Church here in Kinshasa. She has seen much mixture, but the Lord has chosen this city to be a place for restoration.

We see that this woman couldn't live off of yesterday's blessings. We can't live off of yesterday's revelation, yesterday's blessing, or yesterday's word. We must live off of a fresh revelation, fresh blessing, and a fresh word. Otherwise we will die like this widow woman's son.

So this woman comes to Elijah and says, "Elijah, my son is sick. Why did this happen? Did you do this to call my sin to remembrance?" Many times when we get into a desperate place of need the first thing that the enemy does is tell us that the reason things are going the way they are is because of our sin. What we need to realize is that the Lord is bringing that place of need so that we can have a fresh revelation of Him. Yes, the reason things are the way they are in Kinshasa is because of sin. But, I tell you in the name of Jesus that things are going to change.

Elijah didn't bother answering her questions. He just said to her, "Give me your son." He then took this child and carried him. Part of the prophetic ministry of Elijah is bearing the infirmities of those who are weak. We as a Church need to learn to bear the infirmities of the weak. The Bible says, "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." If we want to see the testimony of the Church change here in Kinshasa then we need to learn to bear one another's burdens. Jesus carried your burden all the way to the cross.

Elijah carried this child up into the loft. So many times when we get into a trying situation instead of going up to the Lord we stay horizontal. What we need to do is go vertical. Bring that one in need into contact with Jesus. Faith begins when we come into contact with the Lord Jesus Christ. As a Church all we need is to come into contact with the Lord and from that place God will raise up His Son in us.

In that place of contact with the presence of the Lord there is a release of life. John 10:10 says, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." The thief came to this widow woman, stole her blessing, killed her son, and destroyed her dreams. We have seen this same kind of work here in Kinshasa. The enemy has come and tried to steal your blessing, tried to kill the promise, and destroy your testimony in the earth. We have seen much of the power of the enemy here in Kinshasa. They day is coming in which the Lord is going to match that power with the power of His Church. The enemy's day is over here in Kinshasa. Isa. 59:19 declares, "When the enemy comes in like a flood, then the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard." That standard that the Lord is lifting up is the Church. The Lord is raising a standard in the Church.

We see that Elijah took this child into the upper room and cried out to the Lord for his life to come back into him. Prior to this event we have no record of anyone ever being raised from the dead. That didn't stop Elijah from crying out. Just because you may be in a situation in which you have never seen an answer don't let that stop you from crying out to the Lord. Don't limit God. Elijah was one that was persistent in prayer. Many Christians today get to their place of need and just give up when they see no sign of change. What the Lord is saying is ENDURE because I'm about to bring your breakthrough. James 5:16-17 says, "The fervent prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elias was a man just like us, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months." Don't give up just because you haven't seen your results yet. The moving of God's Spirit is coming to this city in a greater dimension than what we have ever seen, but we must learn how to pray for it if we truly want it.

As Elijah cried out to the Lord, he stretched himself upon the child three times until his life came in again. This speaks to us of an impartation of life. When we have come to a place of defeat what we need is an impartation of life from the prophetic ministry of Elijah. So Elijah stretched himself three times. Stretch, stretch, stretch, and then the soul of the child came into him again and he revived.

The word stretched in the Hebrew means to measure as with a line. Much of the Church today has fallen sick and died. Much of the Church today doesn't have the strength of the early Church. But the Bible declares that the latter house will have a greater glory than the former. Jesus has been measuring his Church for the last two thousand years to see if His Church has met the standard of His Word, but for the last two thousand years the Church has not. But, the third time Jesus measures His Church her life is going to come into her and she is going to arise. In Luke 13:32 Jesus said, "Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected." What did Jesus mean by the third day I shall be perfected? He couldn't have been talking about His death, burial, and resurrection because when He was in the tomb he didn't cast out devils or do cures. So this must have some other meaning. He is the Head and we are the Body. ON the third day the Church is going to rise up into a place where they will fully apply the life of Christ and they are going to rise like this child.

Here in this passage it says that the Lord heard the voice of Elijah. There is something about coming to the Lord with a boldness knowing that you have received what you asked. The Bible says in 1 John 5:15, "If we ask him anything knowing that he hears us, then we have received what we have asked for." God is for you and because of that no one can stand against you, not even the devil himself. Ask God for restoration.

After this miracle was performed Elijah took this child and displayed him to his mother. He didn't just stay there in the upper room rejoicing in what God had done. But he put this child on display. When God restores you don't just keep your restoration to yourself. But display it to the lost. They will begin to come to you and say I want that too. When God has truly touched someone what they have been given from the Lord begins to become contagious. People want what you have. The Lord is bringing a restoration to this Church in Kinshasa. Not so that you can just be blessed but so that you can be put on display to the nations. This woman said, "Now I know that you are a man of God." The nations are going to say, "I know that your God, He is God because of the testimony of the Church of Kinshasa."

This morning you may say I'm in a place much like this widow woman. "God has given me dreams and promises, but it seems like the enemy has stolen them. I'm going through trials like you wouldn't believe. What can I do?" I want to tell you that God is for you and that this desperate situation that you may be in is just an opportunity for God to reveal Himself and give you a testimony. The Lord is going to restore the Church of Kinshasa but he's going to do it one by one and he wants to use you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Let US Rise Up And Build

My passion is to see Christ fully formed in His Body! God has called us to build the House. I'm praying that this short post will encourage you to catch the vision for the House God is building. The Glory of this House will be greater than that of the former and in this place God will give Peace! (Haggai 2:9)

It's a new day! The Father is building a glorious House made up of every tribe and tongue. This House isn't being made by man's hands, man's wisdom, or man's skill. This House is being built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit (Ephesians 2:22). Except the Lord builds the House, its builders labor in vain (Psalm 127:1). It's all God's doing! Of this House God has called every believer to be a part. It will not be built only by a select few but by all of us TOGETHER.

What does this House look like? This House is Christ fully formed in His people! Paul says in Galatians 4:19 that he's undergoing the pain of childbirth to see Christ fully formed in His Church. Oh that leaders in the Body of Christ would get this. Our call is to build up the Body of Jesus, to equip the Saints, and to empower God's people to do the work of ministry. Jesus is the blueprint! We need to get a revelation of the House of God. If you're going to effectively build the House you need a revelation of Jesus! God is raising up leaders with an Ezekiel 43:10 ministry who are showing the House to the House and helping us get a vision of His pattern.

Ephesians 4:11-16 is one of my favorite passages of Paul. Here Paul speaks of the ascension gift ministries of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. Their job is to equip the Saints (perfect the Saints KJV), for the work of the ministry, for the building up (edifying) of the body of Christ.

The word equip here means to set a broken bone, to place a dislocated part into the right place, to mend a net, and to put something right. Our natural body can't function correctly when a bone is out of joint. It's the same in the body of Christ. When our nets are broken we can't fully contain all that God has for us. We are entering a season where God is setting bones in their correct place and mending nets. There's grace for healing being released across the body right now. Where there has been division He's bringing healing. We're entering a time of equipping like never before! Grab your nets and join hands with others in the body. Get ready to see a outpouring like you've never seen.

We've all been called to the work of ministry. This word ministry simply means service. The ministry is not for some select few. It's for every believer. You will never outgrow service in the body of Christ. The work of service unites all believers from the Apostle to the most insignificant disciple (1 Corinthians 12:18-25). The Bible speaks of the priesthood of ALL believers. It's time to stop putting a select few in the Church up on a pedestal. Every believer has been called to place of honor in the body. When we only give honor to a select few we are saying that we don't believe in the priesthood of all believers. You've been called to the ministry! God has given you something that we need! There is no such thing as an insignificant Christian. You've got what I need. Please don't sit on the sidelines any longer. Do the work of the ministry!

Lastly the ascension gift ministries have been given to edify the body of Christ. Edification means the act of building. Bill Scheidler says that edification is the placing, arranging and the putting in order of the stones that have been gathered. It's the assembling of ourselves into a structure. You are the House of God!

Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification. Romans 15:2
Let all things be done unto edifying. 1 Corinthians 14:26
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Ephesians 4:29

If what we are doing isn't edifying the body of Christ it's time we've removed it from our life. Corrupt communication in Ephesians 4 isn't referring to what we might call colorful language. Anytime we offer anything other than a word of grace that will build up God's people we are using corrupt communication. It's time we stop browbeating the Church and keeping Her sin conscious. Let's speak to who she is in Christ and call Her righteousness forth! That's truly building up the body of Christ. If the Church only knew who she was she would be unstoppable!

Awake, awake, put on your strength, O Zion; put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; for there shall no more come into you the uncircumcised and the unclean. Shake yourself from the dust and arise; be seated, O Jerusalem; loose the bonds from your neck, O captive daughter of Zion. Isaiah 52:1,2 ESV

There is coming a shift in our identity in these last days. The Church is coming out of spiritual darkness and is shaking off the dust. She's no longer going to live according to the man of the dust Adam. She's rising in newness of life and declaring the finished work of Jesus. She's seated with Christ in heavenly places. Someone tell the Church that Her warfare has been accomplished! Nothing will stop this House from being built. Jesus WILL build His Church!

I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness— the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:25-27

The word "you" in Colossians 1:27 is a plural pronoun. The verse could better be translated, "Christ in and among all of you." If we want to fully see His glory released in the earth it's time we join together like never before. These bones can live. They're coming together and an army is being released in the earth. This isn't a time to hide in caves or get ready for a big escape. God's glory will fill the whole earth and He's going to do it through a Body! (Habakkuk 2:14)

The glory of this latter House will be greater than that of the former! God isn't interested in physical houses anymore. He's building a spiritual temple that will be fully formed into the image of Christ. I pray that God will give you a vision of the House that He's building. May we say like the men of Nehemiah's time, "Let us rise up and build!"

Monday, May 2, 2011

By This All Men Will Know...

I've lived in Petaluma for the past couple of years. Up until a couple of weeks ago I haven't been to any of the Churches in town since I've been here. The last couple of weeks I attended a Good Friday service at Calvary Chapel, some Easter celebrations, and a Church service at The River. I've got to say I was so blessed with what I saw. The Good Friday service was attended by Churches from all over the city; AG, Presbyterian, Baptist, Calvary Chapel, Salvation Army, and other non denominational Churches were in attendance. All the Pastors had a part to play in the service and different worship teams played together. It was awesome. What a powerful testimony it is when the Body of Christ is in unity! You could tell that these people actually loved each other and wanted the best for each others Churches.

Today I was invited to a softball game in town. When I arrived I couldn't believe what I saw... All these same Churches had a softball league where they play with each other. They actually interacted with each other and knew each other. This is how it should be! This is the Church of Petaluma. I was just discussing with some friends the other day on Facebook that I'm believing for the day where the Church won't be known for it's Name, Pastor, Members, denominational stance, etc but will be known by it's location... The Church of San Francisco, the Church of Antioch, the Church of Novato, the Church of Jerusalem, etc. Not every Church in Petaluma has the same doctrinal positions, but one thing they do have is a genuine love for Christ and His Church. The Church of Petaluma is setting itself up for something great. This is a Church the Lord can entrust with a great harvest. I'm so excited to see what's going to happen here.

It's time for us to build up the Body of Christ and not tear each other down. We all have a part to play and we need each other! No longer can we say that "our Church" (as if it is ours) can make it on it's own. Our Church can no longer be the best Church. The best Church is His Church! Jesus said I will build MY Church. His Church isn't a building we go to a couple of days a week. It is you and me He is building! Ephesians 2:22 says that we are being built together to be a habitation of God through the Spirit. Let us rise up together and build!

Be intentional this week and befriend someone from another Church. If you're a leader call up another leader in town and befriend him. If you can't do that start praying for other Churches in your town. Remember that we are all a part of the Body and all have a role to play. It's His Church.

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35 NIV

I've got a lot to say that I will cover in my next post about edification and the building up of the Body of Christ.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Sound of the Abundance of Rain

Pick up any Christian magazine and you'll find tons of ads for upcoming conferences and meetings. Turn on Christian tv and you'll see camp meetings, revival services, etc. They claim to be on the cutting edge of what the Lord is doing in our day. If you want a fresh anointing, a touch from God, or to connect with other men of God you need to attend. I honestly have nothing against conferences as I myself have traveled to attend them. However I've noticed that many Believers have depended on meetings and leaders to get a fresh word from the Lord instead of learning how to hear the voice of the Lord themselves. Instead of maturing the Saints this has many times led to a weakening of the Saints.

Behold, the days are coming," declares the Lord God, "when I will send a famine on the land — not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it." - Amos 8:11,12 ESV

The rain of the Spirit IS being poured out all across the earth. As Amos says this isn't a famine of bread or water. It's a famine of hearing the voice of the Lord. His sound is going forth through the earth. The bread and water are fresh and God wants you to partake of it. Do you hear it?

All Believers have the right and privilege of hearing the word of the Lord for themselves. From the baby Christian to the mature in Christ God wants to speak to you. Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice." That doesn't mean we don't need others in the Body. We do! We all prophesy in part and know in part. We need each other! I need what God is speaking to you. You need what God is speaking to me. To have one without the other produces stagnant streams, no growth, and a sick body.

RIGHT NOW Christ is in you. Ephesians 2:18 declares that because of Christ's finished work we all have access by one Spirit to the Father. You don't need to go chasing after the rain or look to someone to get a word from the Lord for you. There's a word inside you!

Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" - John 7:37,38 NASB

Do you hear His voice? He's calling you to come. Are you thirsty? Then come and drink from the Master. This water has life in it. There's no death here. No condemnation is in this water. If ANYONE is thirsty COME. The only requirement here is thirst. Out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. This promise isn't only for a select few but for all who believe in Him.

The Bible teaches us in Genesis 2:5 that at the time of creation before plants were on the earth that God had not caused it to rain. Instead there was a mist that came up from the ground and watered the whole face of the ground. This word mist can also be translated vapor, stream, spring. One translation calls this mist an underground spring. Just like this garden there is inside of you a underground spring of fresh water, a stream of living water that God wants to use to water the whole earth. You don't have to go somewhere to be in the move of God. You can say like William Booth, " I'm not looking for a move of God, I am a move of God!" Don't worry any more about missing the rain.

I've heard it said in Church that God is always moving where you're not. It shouldn't be this way. Where you go, God goes! You are the house of the Lord. Ephesians 2:18 says that we are being built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit. God lives in you!

Many are prophesying dark clouds of judgement and war. I see the clouds too. Except that they are filled with an abundance of rain. Times of refreshing are here. An outpouring like we've never seen before is coming as believers around the world realize that the work is finished and that there is a "vapor" of the Holy Ghost inside of them. As we looked at already all Believers have access to the Father's presence. However there is something special when two or three gather together in His name. Job 36:27 says, "He draws up the water vapor and then distills it into rain." When you worship together with other believers and you send up that "vapor" inside you get ready... The rain will come where you are! You won't need to go looking for it. It will come to you. You won't have to run off to every conference or meeting. The conference will come to where you are. Your Church, your house, and your business will become a place of life giving abundant rain to those around you.

In Elijah's day there was a great famine in the land much like the spiritual condition of today. 1 Kings 18:41-46 tells the story of Elijah and the sound of the abundance of rain. Here Elijah just finished the slaughter of the prophets of Baal and the rain was ready to return to the land. He goes to the top of Mount Carmel with his servant and falls on his face and prays. He then tells his servant to go towards the sea and check for clouds. He sees nothing. Elijah tells him to return seven times and the seventh time he saw a cloud the size of a man's hand.

Don't be discouraged though you see a famine in the land. Don't be discouraged that you're in a dry wilderness. The rain is coming. I see a cloud the size of a man's hand. Don't despise the day of small things. Even though it's the size of a man's hand when you get up and run with it like Elijah it will become a cloud full of rain. Elijah's posture went from being on his face to girding up his loins and running. Do you hear the sound of the abundance of rain?

As a Believer you have streams of living water flowing out of you. This isn't for a select few but for all in the Body. We used to teach "touch not mine anointed" and reserved that passage for a those over us in the Lord. The problem with that teaching is that in the New Covenant all of God's people are anointed. They all have access to the Father and to His voice. It doesn't mean we don't need the five fold ministry. We desperately need it. We need good teaching. We need the local Church. But most importantly we need to learn to get a hold of God for ourselves. Get in the posture of Elijah. Get on your face, pray, and get ready to run. I hear the sound of the abundance of rain. Blessings.

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy. For waters break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; the burning sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water; in the haunt of jackals, where they lie down, the grass shall become reeds and rushes. Isaiah 35:5-7 ESV