I've lived in Petaluma for the past couple of years. Up until a couple of weeks ago I haven't been to any of the Churches in town since I've been here. The last couple of weeks I attended a Good Friday service at Calvary Chapel, some Easter celebrations, and a Church service at The River. I've got to say I was so blessed with what I saw. The Good Friday service was attended by Churches from all over the city; AG, Presbyterian, Baptist, Calvary Chapel, Salvation Army, and other non denominational Churches were in attendance. All the Pastors had a part to play in the service and different worship teams played together. It was awesome. What a powerful testimony it is when the Body of Christ is in unity! You could tell that these people actually loved each other and wanted the best for each others Churches.
Today I was invited to a softball game in town. When I arrived I couldn't believe what I saw... All these same Churches had a softball league where they play with each other. They actually interacted with each other and knew each other. This is how it should be! This is the Church of Petaluma. I was just discussing with some friends the other day on Facebook that I'm believing for the day where the Church won't be known for it's Name, Pastor, Members, denominational stance, etc but will be known by it's location... The Church of San Francisco, the Church of Antioch, the Church of Novato, the Church of Jerusalem, etc. Not every Church in Petaluma has the same doctrinal positions, but one thing they do have is a genuine love for Christ and His Church. The Church of Petaluma is setting itself up for something great. This is a Church the Lord can entrust with a great harvest. I'm so excited to see what's going to happen here.
It's time for us to build up the Body of Christ and not tear each other down. We all have a part to play and we need each other! No longer can we say that "our Church" (as if it is ours) can make it on it's own. Our Church can no longer be the best Church. The best Church is His Church! Jesus said I will build MY Church. His Church isn't a building we go to a couple of days a week. It is you and me He is building! Ephesians 2:22 says that we are being built together to be a habitation of God through the Spirit. Let us rise up together and build!
Be intentional this week and befriend someone from another Church. If you're a leader call up another leader in town and befriend him. If you can't do that start praying for other Churches in your town. Remember that we are all a part of the Body and all have a role to play. It's His Church.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35 NIV
I've got a lot to say that I will cover in my next post about edification and the building up of the Body of Christ.